Dogs are amazing animals and any young boy would be happy to have one as a companion. Not only can they stick by our side through thick and thin, they can provide companionship above and beyond the call of duty. In addition, dogs have the ability to know when we need comfort and, regardless of our individual flaws, they love us all the same.
At times, however, dogs take on a rather special role in our lives. That is the case where the child has special needs, because canine companionship can mean more than just having a friend nearby. For example, dogs may help individuals who have emotional struggles or panic attacks to keep them from harming themselves. When they sense that anxiety is welling up in someone, they snuggle up with them to calm them down.
This particular dog follows along with a boy and cares for him because he has autism. The boy could get hurt, so the dog keeps a watchful eye on his every move. When you see it in action, you can tell that the dog takes his job seriously and when the boy runs toward the street, the dog does something amazing.