Dogs are known for their bravery and loyalty to their owners. Man and dog have a special unique relationship, with many dogs having given their lives to save the of their owners. Dogs, unlike cats, hate to be separated from their owner, but the dog in this next video takes that to an entirely new level. Cyrus a two-year-old Bullmastiff from Perth Australia simply cannot bear to be separated from his owner Lauren Birney, following her everywhere, and never taking his eyes off her. Even when she takes a shower the big dog is there watching over her.
But what makes this even funnier is that for some reason he doesn’t want her to know he is watching her. In antics that have earned him the title of “Convicted Creeper,” he always watches from afar, hiding himself, so that sometimes Lauren doesn’t even know he is there. Well that is what Cyprus likes to believe, but when you are as big as him, it’s pretty difficult to blend quietly into the background, however hard you try. Watch this compilation video below of his valiant attempts to hide, and as a dog lover, you will certainly smile at this beautiful and protective dog.