Every dog owner in the world knows the dangers of leaving their dog in a car on a hot day, and yet many of them ignore this danger, thinking, it won’t happen to them. It will only take five minutes in the grocery store, and the dogs are bound to be fine. But the reality is that a car can increase in temperature by twenty degrees in ten minutes. When you consider that a dog cools itself down by panting, the hotter it gets, the more they pant, which then increases the temperature further, creating a deadly cycle.
The owner of the car in this video had obviously decided he had time to run into the store and had left his two dogs in the car, against all the best advice, but hey it was only for five minutes, what could happen? Well, the dogs were not impressed in the slightest, and so they decided to let the world know about their disgust, in the loudest way possible. Now you might be thinking that they started to howl, or maybe scratch at the windows, but these dogs are much more intellectual than that. One of the dogs gets into the drivers seat and starts pumping the horn. He even looks like he is sitting in the seat properly. I’ll bet when the owner returned he was mortified with embarrassment and hopefully, this incident will shame him into never repeating what could be a deadly mistake.