Imagine the scenario. You are alone in the car and miles away from anyone when suddenly, your favorite song comes on the radio. What is the first thing that you do? Aside from reaching for the volume to turn it up, many of us start singing along with the music and we don’t care how loud we sing! It seems as if humans are not the only ones who experience such emotion, which is evident from Lilly, an adorable bull terrier.
Although we all have our own unique style of music, it seems as if this dog is absolutely in love with Ed Sheeran. His mother saw it every time the song Thinking out Loud started to play, because Lilly would sing right along with it with such emotion that she just had to capture it and show it to the world.
When the song starts playing in this video, it takes very little coaching before Lilly joins right in. You can really tell that she loves the song, and I’m sure that mom has no problem playing it for her anytime she wants to hear it.