The little hero in this next video was found abandoned on a pavement in Romania. When you consider that puppies when they are born are blind, deaf and unable to control their own body heat, this little fella was in some serious trouble. Apart from not being able to look after himself, on a busy pavement, he could easily have been stepped upon or really badly hurt. Luckily for him, that didn’t happen and he was picked up by a wonderful dog charity in Romania known as “Howl Of A Dog. ”
Over the next four months, they looked after this gorgeous little bundle of fluff, socialising him and introducing him to bigger dogs so that he would be fine when the time came for him to find his forever home. The charity videoed him week by week, and that is the video you are about to watch below. It is truly wonderful to watch him grow and develop, as he gains confidence and body weight. Two weeks prior to Christmas a family in the Netherlands saw him and instantly fell in love. They were not prepared to wait even another day and made a 250-mile round trip to collect this lucky little pooch. If you need cheering up today, this video is definitely the one you need to watch, it’s priceless and adorable.