Sometimes Older Is Better

Every day in every way we all get older. That is just a simple fact of life. How would you feel if once you reached a certain age, you were simply tossed to the kerb. That you were written off, forgotten about or abandoned. That would be a pretty horrible experience and you would rightly feel quite hurt.

Unfortunately, that is exactly what happens to a lot of elderly dogs. Having proved to be loving and friendly pets through many years, when things start slowing down, or problems arise, people simply dump their dogs. And then, of course, the problem deteriorates even further as very few people want to adopt older dogs. Everyone wants a new puppy, but who takes care of the older dogs. So a group of wonderful dog lovers have set up a YouTube channel to celebrate and promote the benefits of older dogs. With some education, the wider public can learn about the many benefits of adopting an older dog, and hopefully, give some of these wonderful animals the life they deserve. Please watch and share this video with all your dog loving friends.