Some dogs are quick to get a reputation and in some cases, that reputation may be passed along to other dogs as well. For example, postal workers and dogs have not gotten along together historically and in many cases, the dog will bark when the postman arrives. As you are about to see, however, even stereotypes can be broken and the couple in this video certainly go a long way in helping to make us rethink that age-old relationship.
It was caught on a hidden camera in New Zealand, when a postal worker would take a break every day to visit a dog that was nearby to his postal route. It is more than just a one-time occurrence, the owner of the dog says that the postman will stop by every day to spend time with the dog, even if there aren’t any packages to deliver.
At times, dogs will bark when the postman comes because they are conditioned to do so. The postman comes and goes, making the dog feel as if they have accomplished their job. The next time the postman comes, they will bark even more. Apparently, some dogs feel differently.