After Chihuahua’s Pomeranian’s are one of the cutest little dogs. With that lovely big furry coat and the real foxy cute little face, they look totally adorable. This particular dog really needs to sneeze. I am sure we have all been in the situation, where we desperately need to sneeze, but just as we are about to let it go, it seems to stall. The frustration this causes can be really annoying, and produces a strange sort of feeling. That is exactly the situation this dog finds itself in and when that sneeze finally arrives the noise that comes with it is madness.
It is hard to explain, but when the sneeze comes along this dog lets go with such amazing abandon, I am surprised he didn’t shake his head off. The noise is high pitched and you can sense the amazing relief that the dog is feeling. When you watch the video I can guarantee you will want to watch this time and time again, it;s absolutely cute and hilarious all rolled into one. Watch the video below and then share it with your friends and family, as everyone, I have shown this video to have absolutely loved it.