They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery, and I believe that the human in this video just got a big boost to their ego from their pet dog. It all started with a little girl that appears to be fairly proud of herself that she can do a cartwheel. She came running into the room and before you know it, she spun around on her arms and landed it. It is then that the video really gets cute.
If you keep your eye on the dog, you can almost see the wheels spinning in his head as he watches the little girl tumble across the floor. It is then that he tries to do the same thing himself, and although he didn’t quite get the rotation in, the entire thing is laugh out loud funny.
Many of us who own dogs love the fact that they seem to stick by our side through thick and thin. It is the way that they show us they love us, but they may be watching us much more closely than what you ever imagined. Although your dog may not turn cartwheels, they certainly are trying to give you their best.