For any of us out there who are parents, I am sure you will be only too aware of the fact that siblings fight. When one wants to play the other wants to rest, when one is just about ready to fall asleep the other is so full of energy he simply can’t stand still. This inevitably leads to arguments and frustrations normally ended by us the big bad parent telling the kids to behave. Well, it looks like this is not just a human trait. In this fantastic video below two huskies are having what I think is fair to say a heated discussion.
The one on the bed is in total chill out mode and has no interest in doing anything. The other one is of course in the mood for some serious playtime. Every the poor dog on the bed wants to just relax and maybe even drift off to sleep the other dog is like a buzzing flea. He won’t give him one second of peace. This continues for the duration of the video. So if you are used to these sort of family squabbles, or maybe for some insane reason you have missed them since your kids grew up, here you go watch this funny video and let the memories come flooding back.