Having twins means double the fun, add a little Pomeranian dog into the mix and the laughter just won’t stop. There is something about small dogs and small children that always brightens your day, no matter how dark the mood. When a baby starts laughing, it is totally infectious and before you know it, you will be laughing along as well.
That’s exactly what happens in this video. Mummy has put the two boys in an inflatable paddling pool to help them sit up properly. Then mummy starts to give the beautiful little Pomeranian a treat. As with most dogs, the sign of a treat sends them crazy with pleasure, and the twins are absolutely fascinated by the dogs actions.
They start laughing at the dog jumping up to try and get the treat. The sight of him trying to stand on his two back legs and jumping up and down seems to really tickle them. And of course, the more they laugh, the harder it is for the mum to control her emotions. Before long the twins are joined in their laughter by their mummy. It’s Monday morning, so if you are in need of a little pick me up and something to bring a smile to your face then this is the video for you. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.