Ladies and gentlemen, today in the red corner we have our current eating champion “little baby boy.” And in the blue corner, we have the challenger “The White Terrier”. This world eating title will be decided over one piece of chicken, the first person to get it will be the champion. As the action starts both combatants stare at each other across the shiny table. The champion bangs the table to show his determination and to get the crowd on his side. They both eye the prize which is sitting right in the middle of the table.
The terrier makes a move around the table but the champion sees exactly what he has got planned and starts to move towards the prize as well. They come together right in front of the chicken and the tension is now almost unbearable. Who is going to win this epic battle and take home the prize? The terrier raises up onto his hind legs and tries to stretch for the chicken, but it is just out of reach. Try as he might, he simply cannot stretch the last little bit to take the prize. And here comes the champion to capitalise on any weakness shown. But to find out what happens you will have to watch the video below. Who is your money on? I can promise you that the end result is not what you were expecting.