People always want and aim for perfection, even though perfection is rarely if ever achieved. People want the best they don’t want to settle for an inferior product but sometimes, the very thing they ignore because it wasn’t perfect, may well have been the best thing ever to happen to them.
A perfect example of this is one of my good friends. He might not be the best-looking chap in the world, he could do with losing a few pounds in weight, and he suffers from diabetes and a few other health issues. Until about the age of 25, I don’t think he ever had a girlfriend and he was getting very down and depressed about things, girls simply wouldn’t even give him a chance. But when one absolutely beautiful girl took that chance and went out on a date with him, she hit the absolute jackpot. This guy worships the ground she walks on, he treats her like a princess and the two of them are happier than virtually any other couple I have ever met. The point being if she hadn’t given him a chance even with his faults she would never be as happy as she is today. And that’s exactly the same with the dog in this video. Born without any eyes, nobody wanted him. Nobody would give him a chance. That was until his new owner realised what could be achieved with him. Now after some love, attention and training this dog with no eyes is a therapy dog. He actually goes into hospitals and helps sick children feel happy. And because they see, that he can’t, but that he remains positive, this inspires them to keep positive also. So just remember, whilst perfection may be the ultimate aim, don’t miss something really special while hunting for it.