The problem with getting a puppy, is that you have to be very careful what little tricks to teach your dog whilst it is still small, because puppies grow into adult dogs, so if you teach them bad habits as a puppy, you could suffer the consequences for many years to come. This may not be such a problem if you have a small breed of dog, but if you have something large such as a Husky for instance this could be an absolute disaster.
In the video you are about to watch the owner of this particular dog has obviously made a very drastic mistake. Whilst most dogs adore the opportunity to go for a walk this dog has obviously been carried as a puppy on a regular basis.Now when he goes out for a walk and gets tired he has decided he no longer wants to walk and wants to be carried by his father. Whilst this might have been good fun as a puppy I doubt very much that the owner enjoys it quite as much in full adulthood, however for those of us who only have to watch and don’t have to lift this dog the spectacle is actually quite amusing and entertaining I am sure you will agree.