As we enter into the springtime of the year, many of us are looking forward to warmer days and sunny skies. Spring also means something else, the fact that summer is just around the corner! With summer comes even warmer days, picnics in the sun, relaxing afternoons on the weekends and time at the pool. In order to prepare you for this fun in the sun activity, we bring you this excellent video.
There’s something about Labrador retrievers that most people know well. It is the fact that they love water, and many of them will spend as much time in the water as possible. Of course, they don’t need it to be summer to enjoy a dip in the pool but it looks like this pup has everything mapped out perfectly. Not only does he have his pool toy with him, he has the ultimate float so that he can enjoy some fun in the sun.
Let’s take a lesson from what this dog is doing. As you can tell, he is totally relaxed and he is going to enjoy his time in the water. Take some time to do so yourself this summer.