Everybody knows that “Dogs are a man’s best friend” and when you walk in from work at the end of a long tiring day, you can always be certain of a warm welcome. I have known dogs who even seem to have a built-in clock, and ten to fifteen minutes before mummy or daddy is due to walk in the door from work, they are sitting on the window sill watching and waiting for the imminent arrival.
Unfortunately whilst dogs might be intelligent, it is nigh on impossible to explain to them the concept of working away from home for a period of time. All they know is that mummy or daddy hasn’t come home, and some of them can get quite distraught and sad. I often wonder if they blame themselves or what exactly they think. Two months is a long time for a human who understands what is happening, so I dread to think how long it must feel for the dog. In this lovely moment, we get to see daddy returning home after two months of work. The minute he walks in he is attacked with love and affection by his Labrador, who is obviously daddy’s girl. His poor wife who is also keen to see him one would imagine has no chance, well not until the dog lets her. This shows beautifully just how important her daddy is to this lovely dog. Please watch and enjoy.