It is a little-known fact, but our canine friends actually enjoy music and like nothing better than to get down with the music and have a serious dance. If you don’t believe me, you need to watch the video below and be amazed and memorised by the dogs nigh on perfect rhythm. A lot of dogs when confronted by a car, either run away in a panic or decide that the best course of action is to man up and start barking at it. Well, when this dog comes across a car with the music blaring out he decides if you can’t beat them, join them.
He literally stops in the middle of the road and starts the bounce. He somehow or other because I have never seen any other dog move like this starts to bounce in perfect time with the beat of the music. He is so on point that it literally is amazing. I don’t even think you could teach this, you either have the rhythm or you don’t, and this dog has it in spades. So now you know every dog’s secret, they love to get down on it and dance the night away, and that’s not a shaggy dog story.