If there is one thing that is a constant in this universe, it’s the fact that things are going to change from time to time. As humans, we feel that we have a fairly good grip on change and are able to roll with the punches, so to speak. Dogs, however, may not fall into the same category. That will become evident when you see this video and it will leave you laughing out loud.
Dogs are not always sure how things work, but they tend to get into a daily routine and stick with a habit. For example, if you go out the front door to go outside, one of the things that you absolutely would not want to do is run through the glass door. This dog obviously was locked into that particular routine.
What would happen, however, if the glass happened to be out of the front door so that you could simply step through it? That was the situation in this video and when you see what this dog does and how he reacts, you will be absolutely astounded. It is extremely funny to see but it also teaches us that change is not always a good thing.