If you have ever owned a dog and had the need to give them some medicine, you already know it can be a very frustrating experience. Of course, you are always going to get a lot of suggestions as to how to do it, such as wrapping the pill in cheese or putting it in some peanut butter but the suggestions don’t always work for every animal.
At times, it is just necessary for the dog to take the medicine, regardless of whether they want to take it or not. That was the case with this adorable corgi, named Bobo. We don’t know why he had to take this medicine but we can only imagine that he just didn’t like the way that it tasted. He was smart enough to know that the next time it was given to him, he would fight it with every thing he possibly had.
Of course, Bobo sure seems to be a very friendly dog so he doesn’t get mean about it but what he does is absolutely adorable. In fact, watching this dog avoiding taking his medicine is sure to put a smile on your face that will last all day.