There are many reasons why we love our dogs, and those reasons may be different from one person to another. For some of us, it is the fact that they protect us when we are frightened but for others, it may be the comfort of sitting beside them on the sofa and scratching them behind the ears. Regardless of who we are, however, all of us appreciate the unconditional love that they display.
For the owner of this bulldog, it may be a combination of all of those items but you can also throw in some amusement that the dog provides as well. You see, this adorable bulldog has a good nap in the chair on his mind and he doesn’t care how big the chair is!
It seems as if he struggles for quite some time to get up in the chair and he is not going to let anything stop him. Once he gets there, however, it appears that he realizes it wasn’t as great of an idea as he thought, and it turns quite hilarious.