Each and every night, millions upon millions of individuals take the time to relax after a long day. We do it in preparation of going to bed at night, because we need our sleep so that we can get going when the sun comes up again. For many of us, it means reading a good book or perhaps drinking a glass of warm milk but others may just want to relax in front of the TV or perhaps spend some time on Facebook.
Eventually, the time ticks away and the books are closed, the TV is turned off and the lights go out. For one family in the United States, however, a rather unusual nightly routine has developed. It occurs when the family dog knows that it is time to go to bed, and his nighttime ritual is the signal for everyone to hit the sack.
When the television makes a particular noise, it means that bedtime is just around the corner. It appears that this dog has become accustomed to hearing the noise and when it happens, he gets up, walks out of the room and its lights out!