Any dog owner will tell you that the best part of dog ownership is that wonderful greeting you get when you walk in the door at the end of a long hard day. No matter what mood you are in your canine and his loving reaction to you will always lift your spirit and brighten your day. And on the few occasions when I have been dogless walking into an empty house is a horrible feeling.
There is one breed of dog that is a little different to the rest and that breed is called the Shiba breed. Shiba’s are highly intelligent, and this can lead to serious destruction around your home if you don’t keep them intellectually stimulated. They can be very cat-like in their aloofness, it is almost like you have to earn their respect, and even then they will only display affection when it suits them. This video sums the breed up perfectly, as the dog is certainly happy to see their owner, but he isn’t going to go overboard about it. When you do watch the video it is almost like he is smiling but this dog is not going to go all hyper on you. He is much too refined and regal for that. Watch the video and enjoy this classy posh dog.