One thing I have always taught my kids is that the only thing holding anyone back is themselves. If you are determined to achieve something then anything and everything is possible. Never let the negative part of your brain be in charge, as realistically once you let negativity in, it grows and spreads. On the same note when you are positive and deliberate about achieving your goal your chances of success are drastically increased.
The little dog in this footage is the perfect example of what I am talking about. Realistically this dog should or could be miserable and depressed. He could be the Eeyore of the dog world. Why me? Why did it happen to me? Why don’t my back legs work? But you see he doesn’t do any of that. He just thinks positively and decides that he is going to enjoy every second of his life, one day at a time. That’s why it is essential you watch until the end of this video to see just how determined he is, as the end of the video sums up his philosophy of life perfectly.