When we come home after a long day, one of the things that most of us want to do is find some time to relax. In fact, we may have our own way of relaxing and when we find it, we take advantage of it on every available occasion. It appears that it is not only something that humans love, dogs love relaxing as well.
This dog does something that is just going to blow your mind. He loves taking a relaxing dip in the hot tub and when he does, it is the cutest thing of all time. His name is Cuzzie, and he is a Puggle who knows something about relaxing. He sits in the hot tub with the jet against his back. It isn’t only what he is doing, it is how he is reacting that really makes us laugh.
Sometimes, we just need to step back and recognise how good life is. It also helps to watch this adorable dog and how much he is loving life. It will make you fall in love with this dog with all of your heart.