We mum’s, always have an inbuilt sixth sense, and we know exactly when our kids are up to something that perhaps they shouldn’t be. Normally it has something to do with everything being too quiet, that’s normally a surefire sign that your kid is up to something. And when we get that feeling it is usually pretty spot on and means that we need to start an investigation pretty darn quickly. Of course whilst we wouldn’t care to admit it to anyone publicly even us mums can make the odd mistake occasionally and believe our kids are up to no good, when in fact they are totally innocent.
But most times we can just blow that off as the concerned parent. That’s kind of what happened to this mum. Things sounded way too quiet for her liking and being the good mum that she was, she immediately set off to investigate. So imagine the emotions that went through her head and body when she found her gorgeous baby fast asleep all tucked up nicely with the dog. And what’s more, don’t ask me how they did it, but the dog was snuggled up under the bed covers. Sometimes life is simply amazing, watch the video below to see what I mean.