Sometimes it’s good to just have a laugh, forget about the stresses of the world and enjoy a little comedy. This next video is a true classic when it comes to animals, dogs in particular, and has been edited absolutely perfectly. It is the story of a man talking or should that be teasing his dog. The dog is looking up at his owner with huge brown eyes, and you would honestly believe that he was having a full and proper conversation. The editor of the clip has inserted words specific to when the dog moves his mouth and I have to say it’s done brilliantly.
The dog appears to be in full conversation with his owner. But the owner is being evil and telling the dog about all the various snacks he has just eaten. Whether it is the delicious beef he has enjoyed or the huge treat he gave the cat. Every piece of food he eats or gives to the cat is met with huge distress by the dog. Sure it’s all clever editing, but done to such a high standard, and very very funny. I am sure you will enjoy it and want to share it with your friends.