There is nothing quite like owning a dog, and they are a constant companion for us through thick and thin. Ask any dog owner and they will tell you that it is the best thing in the world, but they will also admit that there may be some problems that go along with it as well. One of those issues for many dog owners is bath time, and you are about to see this issue in action.
When it comes to taking a bath, some dogs are going to run to the tub and others are going to run away. This particular dog, however, decides to take a completely different route. When he finds out that it is time to take a bath, he hits the floor and plays dead perfectly! It is the funniest thing that I’ve seen a dog do in a very long time.
Perhaps the funniest part about what this dog does is the fact that he continues to carry it out for so long. Admittedly, it is working quite well and deadweight is certainly hard to manage. It seems as if this dog has it figured out, and he may just get out of taking a bath after all.