There are certain places in the home that are more comfortable than others and in most homes, one of the top areas is the sofa. In fact, you always find at least one member of my family in that area, usually watching TV and lounged out like it were their own personal bedroom. As you will see in this video, it is not only humans that enjoy this comfy area of the home, it is the family dog as well.
Think back to a time when you were enjoying a good rest on the couch and suddenly, you had to move unexpectedly. That is apparently what this dog, Zeus, was going through. In fact, you might even call him a couch potato! When he is asked to go for a walk, he would much rather just sit on the couch and relax and is not afraid to let the humans know it.
In reality, Zeus really does love to go for walks but some days, he would just rather sit on the sofa and enjoy some relaxing time. We understand where you’re coming from, Zeus.