One of the greatest pleasures in life is being able to sleep in. During the night, we tend to find the perfect spot in the bed and we wrap the covers around ourselves like a cocoon. By the time it’s time to get up in the morning, we likely have the perfect location and we are the most comfortable as we could possibly be.
For some adults, it’s difficult to remember a time when you slept well but many teenagers not only sleep well, they have a difficulty getting up in the morning. Perhaps that is what is taking place in this video, but it is not the boy in the bed that is having trouble getting up, it is his dog. In fact, the dog is doing the least helpful thing possible when it comes to getting a teenager out of bed in the morning.
More than likely, this is a symbiotic relationship. Neither the boy nor the Husky what to get out of their cozy bed in the morning, but the Husky takes the heat and finds the best way to keep the covers right where they are.