If there is one thing I know about dogs, it’s the fact that they are great to have around. Not only do they provide us with companionship and loads of love, they are also a lot of fun and keep us entertained, even when we are having an off day. At times, however, they can get underfoot and I can’t tell you how many times I have tripped over one of my dogs because they just were at the wrong place at the wrong time.
It seems as if this dog is having a similar problem, but instead of getting under his owner’s feet, he is resting on his back. That is because the man is trying to do pushups, and how dare a human try to invade the domain of the dog! I’m joking, of course, and as many of you realize, dogs often want to help out when we try to exercise at home.
As it turns out, this man was taking part in the 22 pushup challenge. It was started to raise awareness of the dangers veterans face. I’m sure his efforts have done much to help support this cause.