Great Danes are a beautiful breed of dog but a huge undertaking in every sense of the world. They can be clumsy and knock over things purely down to their size, but they are also generally quite a calm breed and love nothing more than to indulge in a bit of lazy sofa surfing.
Grooming your dog is essential and another challenge of owning a Great Dane, I mean that’s a whole lot of grooming to be done. Wouldn’t it be handy if the dog just lay there whilst you vacuumed his body?
Well believe it not that is what happens in this video right before your very eyes. This dog is literally so laid back, he is horizontal and he doesn’t bat an eyelid whilst his mummy performs the grooming. Even when she vacuums his face, an act that would send most dogs into a frenzy but he just lies there and soaks up the attention. I wonder if the chihuahua’s would let me do this for them?