There are many things that we may be afraid of in this life. As a matter of fact, it is likely that you have a number of fears yourself, such as the fear of heights, a fear of spiders or perhaps a fear of public speaking. Those fears are real and trying to convince yourself to just “get over it” is not only difficult, it is impossible!
As it turns out, humans are not the only ones who have this difficulty with fear. Many animals are also fearful and, regardless of whether they are dealing with social anxieties or fear of something physical, it is something that they need to deal with, often with our help.
The dog in this video is dealing with a very common problem, a fear of doorways. Even though they can see through to the other side, there is a lot of hesitation and it is often quite difficult for them to overcome the problem. This dog has that type of irrational fear but he also desperately wants to get to the other side of the door and what is there waiting for him. His way of overcoming the problem is hilarious.