We all love our dogs here at funny dogs gallery and one of the reasons, of which there are many is their bravery and loyalty to their owners. There truly is no animal more loyal than a dog, and they will put themselves on danger to protect their owner time and time again. When two bears dare to approach and then enter his owners property, the little French bulldog in this clip simply isn’t haven’t any of it. Size and numbers have nothing to do with it, this is his home and nobody is entering it on his watch.
The two bear cubs wander aimlessly up the drive and are investigating around the bottom of the steps, when our gallant hero appears on the scene. He is less than impressed, and without even doing a risk assessment, which would probably have been a good idea, he launches himself at these two animals. Not only is he outnumbered two to one, but he is pretty poorly off in the size stakes as well. This has no bearing in his thinking whatsoever, and he makes a fantastic rear guard action, to defend his property. By the end of the video the bears well and truly know who is boss, and it certainly isn’t them.