If there is one thing that is constant in this life, it’s that we are going to have difficulties from time to time. You could even say that there will be bumps along the path, and that is certainly true of this dog. His name is Buddy, and he is an absolutely beautiful golden retriever. Something about Buddy is that everything used to be easy in his life. He spent time in the great outdoors, had a loving family and always had food in his bowl.
On this particular day, he was running through the house and making the transition from outdoors to indoors when suddenly, he felt a throbbing pain. As it turns out, his mother closed the glass door to the patio and Buddy ran right into it! It was quite a jolt for him, and it snapped him out of his perfect life for just a moment.
When the door was opened, suddenly Buddy was having difficulty getting through. There was a lot of coaxing going on, including a few treats that were offered but Buddy did not want to feel the pain of bumping his head again. What will Buddy do? You can find out in the video.