If you are the owner of a dog that loves to go swimming, then it is always great fun taking them to the water and letting them go in for it. For me though the way to do this would be to take the dog for a walk along the waters edge on the beach and if they want to jump in and out of the water, that’s a matter entirely for them.
The owner of this dog is obviously crazy. Crazy about boats, dolphins and dogs. So rather than take my simple advice of a walk along the beach this dog owner decides to take his dog out with him when he goes swimming with dolphins in the ocean. But he then decides to dive in and enjoy the swim. His golden retriever decides if it is good enough for his owner then it’s good enough for him and jumps in afterwards. It is then that the dog meets a load of dolphins for the first time, but rather than show any signs of fear or concern he swims right up to them. Watch this video for fantastic animal footage in the lovely blue water.