The life of a dog can be rather confusing. When they are a puppy, it seems as if the world is fresh and new but even beyond that, they are in an environment that is not natural for them. Dogs can be great company and many of them do quite well living in our homes and eating out of a plastic bowl but some dogs have a difficult time adjusting. It may show up in a number of ways, but you are about to see one of the funniest imaginable.
The Basenji in this video is staring as something rather harmless on the floor, an egg. From the looks of things, he just can’t quite figure it out and he does a dance around it, taking a swipe or two with his paw to try and figure things out. Before you know it, an epic battle ensues and it is difficult to tell who the winner will be, until he makes his final move.
If you have a dog in the house, you are going to recognize the humor behind this video. It’s amazing when you see the personality of a dog shine through, and it looks like this pup has all of the personality he can handle.