Dogs have a totally different mentality than us humans. I suppose they have a lot less to worry about, they don’t have to think where their next meal is coming from, or if their next paycheck will cover all the bills, basically, they live for the moment. it’s all about getting attention from Mummy and Daddy, eating and sleeping.Oh and maybe going for the occasional walk from time to time, but from the look of this dog not too far.
And sleeping is probably what they excel at. Not for them tossing and turning for hours and hours, most dogs can be asleep almost before their chin hits the floor. So when this owner took his dog to the beach there was no surprise when the dog decided it was the perfect time to catch a few rays. The owner thought this was a brilliant opportunity to get the perfect video but was worried about waking the dog up. He need not have bothered this dog was well and truly out for the count, and dreaming of whatever dogs dream about.They say that it is best to let sleeping dogs lie, but in this case, I don’t think anyone has a choice. Watch the video, this dog is so chilled he is literally horizontal.