When the time comes to propose to your future wife, it can take a lot of planning and preparation. Gone are the days of just going down on one knee, us ladies expect so much more these days. And it is always a great idea to capture the moment forever on camera, to share with your kids and grandchildren in the future.
This poor groom to be had everything sorted in his mind. He took his beautiful girlfriend, and their pet Labrador on a lovely trip to the forest. With multi coloured leaves lying all over the forest, he set his camera up in a nice little spot and told his girlfriend he wanted to pose for a picture together.
As he walks over to her the camera angle is perfect, the setting is perfect and he gets down on one knee to propose. You get to see his girlfriend slowly react in shock and then you see the big snout of the Labrador coming towards the camera. Before you know what’s happened the camera has been knocked over with a huge bang and the romantic scene has been lost. What is it they say about best-laid plans? Still I expect they both love their dog like crazy.