Having a pet is a wonderful way to teach your child things as they grow up and develop. Having your own pet provides so many teachable moments for both the animal and your child. Provided the whole training process is supervised properly by an adult, then there is nothing but positives for all concerned.
That’s exactly what is happening in this video which features a young girl trying to teach her adorable Newfoundland puppy some new tricks. She starts off by doing really well, as the dog which funnily enough is the same size, if not bigger than her, listens to her and sits as instructed. She praises the dog and feeds him a treat.
So delighted by his behaviour she decides to throw him his toy and that’s where things start to go a little awry. All of a sudden the dog doesn’t want to return the toy and the trainer becomes the trainee as she chases the dog around trying to get the toy back. This, of course, is exactly what the dog wants and so mum has to step in with some training of her own. Another perfect example of kids and pets learning from and with each other.