There is a saying that many people use, music can soothe the wild beast. Although this a slight misrepresentation of what the saying actually is, there is a lot of truth to it. In fact, music means something different to almost everyone and when you listen to it, it can change your emotions very quickly. It appears as if people are not the only ones who are able to enjoy music, dogs also have that ability as well.
Perhaps you’ve seen videos of dogs dancing before, but you have never seen one that doesn’t quite this well. It is a Chihuahua and he is dancing along to Flamingo music in a way that is certain to amaze you and leave you laughing out loud. It is unbelievable how much rhythm this particular canine has, and he remains up on his hind legs for over a minute in order to keep the pace.
Every dog has their own talent, but not all of them have the ability to show it to the world. Thankfully, the owner of this Chihuahua had the forethought to take a video of her dancing so that all of us can enjoy it.