If you are somebody that loves dogs, you’re absolutely going to adore this puppy. I have to admit, bulldog puppies are among some of the cutest puppies in the world but when you see this little guy in action, you can’t help but instantly fall in love with him. Like all puppies, he has plenty of energy but when you see what he does when the rain starts falling, it will put a big smile on your face.
Puppies are interesting because they are new to the world and they love exploring it. Watching them learn about the world around them is like watching it happen for the first time for yourself as well. In fact, many of us live vicariously through our dogs in this way.
When this little puppy started to feel some raindrops, he seemed a little bit confused as to what was happening. After all, if you never experience water falling from the sky, would you understand it right away? It went from confusion, however, to exploration and you will not believe what this puppy decided to do on his own. It is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.