It might seem like I am on a one-woman crusade to convert you all into chihuahua loving people but honestly I assure you that I am not. But when I saw this video it simply had to be shared. First of all the chihuahua itself is a beautiful looking animal but secondly I thought it was a great way of showing people how amazing these little dogs can be. And finally, the video is just so cute it has to be seen.
Basically, the little baby is crying her eyes out and the chihuahua wants to do it’s very best to solve the problem. Obviously, a man, the dog decides that food is the best solution. Now I am unsure if he grabs one of his own biscuits or treats, or what exactly it is, but that almost makes no difference. His plan is to drop the food beside the baby to comfort it and give it food to eat. When the mother of the baby returns the food to him, the little chihuahua takes it even closer to the baby and drops it once again, proving this was no fluke. Watch the video and feel your heart melt at the beautiful relationship forming between these two, it’s a dream.