Some dogs are born to be in the water and some could live a lifetime without ever getting their paws wet. It often has a lot to do with their breed along with their individual personality. For example, I’ve seen a labrador retriever that couldn’t care less about getting into the water but on the other hand, a papillon that just loved running and jumping into the pool.
At times, the love or hate relationship that a dog has with water can be traced directly to their first contact with the wet stuff. It is often during the first bath for a puppy that they learn how to take the water and it often lasts a lifetime. That is probably the case for this adorable husky, who is getting his first experience in the bathtub.
When you see this cute little fella getting his first bath you might be wondering what is going on in his mind. It seems more like he is confused than anything and his legs are stiff as a board. Fortunately, his owner is taking good care of him and allowing him to experience it without any harshness. Let’s hope it is a positive experience for him.