Have you ever just sat and watched a dog for any length of time? I’m not talking about keeping your eye on them to make sure they don’t do anything wrong, I’m talking about studying them and seeing what they are going to do. At times, we can learn a lot about a dog by watching them for just a few minutes. It certainly doesn’t take long for their personality to shine through in many cases.
This little puppy is a classic example of what dogs do on a regular basis. He has the ultimate prize, a stick, and he wants nothing more than to get it into the next room. There’s only one problem, however, the stick is too long to fit through the door!
As this puppy works with the stick, we see that he sure does have a lot of perseverance, and it’s so cute to watch him try one thing after another. This little dog teaches us a lesson in life. Never give up, no matter how hard the task.