One of the many fantastic things about the advances in technology in recent years is the abilities it has given everyday people to capture the most amazing things on camera. And time lapse and editing mean that for not very much money, people can create really interesting movies that would never have been possible even 10 years ago. That is exactly the premise of this video which I have watched with utter fascination a couple of times at least, as there is just something about it as a dog lover that tweaks my interest and imagination.
The maker of the video has taken something really simple, his puppy dogs running for their food, and videoed the exact same sequence for nine months. Because everything else such as the floor and the kitchen furniture remains the same we get to see how the dogs themselves actually grow up and change over that period of time. It really makes fascinating viewing and it’s amazing how much difference those nine months make in the life of a dog. I wish I had thought to do this with my dogs, as he now has a treasured memory forever of his beautiful animals.