There’s just something about springtime that makes us want to get out and enjoy the fresh air. After a long winter, typically spent cooped up inside of the house, there is nothing like the fresh breeze and sunshine that spring brings to the table. For this little girl, it was obviously too much of a temptation to avoid going out into this field and kicking up a little fun.
The fact that a young girl is playing in the field in springtime is enough for many people to enjoy this video, but that isn’t why this particular video is going viral. Yes, the little girl was having a blast but it is the 14 beautiful German shepherds around her that really has people talking.
Many people feel that German shepherds are an aggressive and fierce breed of animal. They certainly do have a bad reputation, as do many other breeds of animals, such as pit bulls. In this video, however, you can tell that the dogs surrounding this young girl are absolutely gentle and they are also enjoying the nice spring day with their good friend.