Impossibly Tiny Dog Might Only Weighs Two Pounds, But She Has A Whole Lot of Love to Give

Animal Rescuers first found Squidget curled up next to a dumpster at in an apartment complex parking lot.

They couldn’t help but noticed her impossibly tiny size.

After bringing her to the vets for a check-up, upon examining her teeth they realized that Squidget wasn’t a newborn puppy- she was almost 1 year old.

Rescuers wanted Squidget to gain some weight before being adopted, but there is no doubt that many people wanted to bring Squidget into their homes and hearts.

As the AnimalRescueSite says,

She may be small but she will touch your heart in a big way.

And that’s exactly what little Squidgey has done.

She may be tiny, but she is full of a lot of love.



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