When there is a baby in the house, it seems as if there are too many milestones today. Many parents begin to feel as if there baby is doing something new almost on a daily basis, but there are certain things that are going to be larger milestones worth noting. For example, the first time the baby talks, stands up or eats on their own are likely events that you will remember for many years. That is also true when the baby rolls over for the first time.
This two month old baby, Holland, is laying on the floor with her Shetland service dog sibling. The dog’s name is link, and, as you will see, he is a rather intelligent available. The first thing that you see is link rolling over, but it looks as if the baby is watching closely because Holland rolls over as well!
When you have babies in a video, it is always going to be something I love. The same is also true when there are dogs in the video. When you have a combination of both, it is cuteness overload!