Adorable Husky Argues With His Father And Gets In Last Word

We all have that one friend that seems to get the last word in, no matter what. It doesn’t matter who they are speaking to or the subject, they can not possibly walk away unless they say something in return, even if it is mumbled under their breath. For some people, it is a matter of pride but for others, it is a measurable difficulty, and they can’t help themselves. It seems as if this adorable dog is having a similar problem.

When this man first started speaking to his dog, I was a bit alarmed until I realized that it was just some playful banter. The point it, you have to watch it because the dog just doesn’t give up, no matter what. He seems to be stuck in a pattern and anytime his human has something to say, he gives it right back to him.

There are many reasons why we love our dogs but it all boils down to one thing. They have a unique personality and no two dogs are alike. Underneath it all, however, there is that unconditional love and, even if they talk back from time to time, they still love us.