We all adore our pets, especially the dog lovers amongst us. While cats can make do without us for a week or two on holiday, dogs are much more likely to fret and worry about being separated. But the options for getting people to look after your dogs are relatively difficult. If you are lucky you have a friend or family member who might agree to look after them. But in most cases they do it out of obligation rather than a keen interest in the dog. The other alternative, which in my mind doesn’t bear thinking about is a kennel. But I always worry that my dog will catch some sort of infection, and I don’t think any kennels regardless of how nice they are can compete with a dog remaining in their own home. It’s bad enough they have to do without you, but to lose their home as well must be hard to take for a poor dog.
So the final option is a dog sitter, there is an element of a security risk but hopefully, with some proper research you can go away on holiday safe in the knowledge your dog is being looked after. Well that was certainly the case for this family, the only issue may be that their dog may prefer the sitter, than its owners. In the video below the sitter recorded their adventures together, and it looks like they had an absolute blast. Watch the video below for funny, sad and loving moments. One thing is for sure, the dog may well look forward to the next family holiday.